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A member registered Mar 09, 2019

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Sure man but I only got edibles!

I literally logged into my account after atleast 2 years of having not logged in just so I could say this - I really really think it would've added an insane amount of comedic value to this if at the end instead of Maggie shooting you, you walk into her room and it cuts to a recreation of the printer scene in "Office Space" with Maggie, Santa's little helper and Snowball II ganging up on Ned while the song from that scene plays. Would've been literally gut bustingly hilarious especially after the harrowing stuff you have the player do. Good little game, man!

REALLY GREAT! This game has a splendid atmosphere for sure and really made me feel DREAD via the sound design especially at that one part in the shed. I did run into an issue, though! At the point where you're in the office if you run into the little shelving unit at a weird angle you get stuck within it and cannot progress. Nonetheless, a great game.

Extremely fun little project that I really enjoyed id love to see it fleshed out more with a few tweaks here and there maybe some powerups, skills for the player to earn that type of thing. this was very fun and id recommend it to just about anyone.

simple short and with a great atmosphere it doesnt overstay its welcome and keeps things lowkey i love it alot

(1 edit)

//potential spoilers ahead ;T Love that i got to take a werewolf catgirl to the bonezone, lookin forward to a full release.